24. Mai - Les Murray: Taller When Prone Drucken
Les Murray

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011 - 20.00 - Lyrikkabinett

Taller When Prone has at its heart Les Murray's celebrations of the rural world in Australia and elsewhere, evoked with a deep understanding of landscapes, and the seasons, working lives and languages that have shaped them. Stories and songs, fragments of conversations, memories and satire comprise this varied, habitable world. In Murray's vigorous and sinuous language, 'song and story are pixels / in a mirrorball', reflecting back to us endless possibilities.

Eintritt: €7,00 / €5,00. Übersetzungen und Lesung der deutschen Texte: Margitt Lehbert

Les Murray was born in 1938 and grew up on a dairy farm at Bunyah on the north coast of New South Wales, where he still lives. He studied at Sydney University and later worked as a translator at the Australian National University and as an officer in the Prime Minister's Department. His real vocation was poetry, however, and from 1971 he has made literature his full-time career. He was the first Australian poet to achieve international acclaim without expatriation. Murray first visited Europe in the sixties, and has returned frequently since then to give poetry readings.

His verse novel Fredy Neptune appeared in 1998 and in 2004 won the Mondello Prize in Italy and a major German award at the Leipzig Book Fair.In 1994 Murray was nominated for the Oxford Chair of Poetry and in June 1999 he was awarded The Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry at Buckingham Palace, an honour was recommended by the late Poet Laureate Ted Hughes.